Is your home or residential property being attacked by mold, mildew, and dirt? Has it been a long time since your property looked clean and new?
San Diego’s first choice for residential pressure cleaning and soft washing services. We specialize in pressure washing and low pressure soft washing, house bathing, gutter cleaning , and roof cleaning services.Our pressure washing equipment cleans building exteriors, awnings, walls, roofs, gutters, downspouts, and more. We can help you keep your property clean and sparkling all year long.
We only use state-of-the-art equipment. We are highly educated in the process of the exterior cleaning and have a great knowledge about detergent and software solutions to make your house sparkling again.
We provide residential services all over San Diego county from Oceanside to Escondido all the way to El Cajon. For bigger jobs and roof cleaning we would go to orange county Temecula or Marietta.

Driveways and flat surfaces- all of flat surfaces should be clean with the surface cleaner, not just a wand. Surface cleaner allows you to clean every single square inch with the same amount of water same pressure and the nozzle is always on the same height. So after water drives there was no smears or lines in all directions.
House pressure washing– in our fleet we have over 10 pressure washers hot and cold water from 500 psi all the way to 5000 PSI. Our technicians a highly skilled and using the pressure washing equipment, we could adjust the pressure with just move of the wrist on our wand so we won’t damage your property
Is your home or residential property being attacked by mold, mildew, and dirt? Has it been a long time since your property looked clean and new?
San Diego’s first choice for residential pressure cleaning and soft washing services. We specialize in pressure washing and low pressure soft washing, house bathing, gutter cleaning , and roof cleaning services.Our pressure washing equipment cleans building exteriors, awnings, walls, roofs, gutters, downspouts, and more. We can help you keep your property clean and sparkling all year long.
We only use state-of-the-art equipment. We are highly educated in the process of the exterior cleaning and have a great knowledge about detergent and software solutions to make your house sparkling again.
We provide residential services all over San Diego county from Oceanside to Escondido all the way to El Cajon. For bigger jobs and roof cleaning we would go to orange county Temecula or Marietta.

Driveways and flat surfaces- all of flat surfaces should be clean with the surface cleaner, not just a wand. Surface cleaner allows you to clean every single square inch with the same amount of water same pressure and the nozzle is always on the same height. So after water drives there was no smears or lines in all directions.
House pressure washing- in our fleet we have over 10 pressure washers hot and cold water from 500 psi all the way to 5000 PSI. Our technicians a highly skilled and using the pressure washing equipment, we could adjust the pressure with just move of the wrist on our wand so we won’t damage your property.